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The JMI Global is an annual international event that brings together the world of youth and music to explore the future, build bridges, strengthen collaboration and
create all kinds of awesome!

The JMI Global is a 2-day conference that takes delegates on a journey of reflection, discovery and learning from around the measures being taken in the international youth-music community to create more resilient and sustainable cultural movements that enable youth to creatively thrive.

The JMI Global is an open event for anyone engaged in the world of youth and music. It features showcases by amazing young musicians, inspirational talks, vibrant networking, wonderous workshops and more! The JMI Global provides something for everybody, sparking collaboration and exchange in order to make a greater impact on the world through music.

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In 2023 we're heading to

Harare, the Jacaranda city, has been chosen to host the JMI Global 2023.

Get ready to explore the many cultures of this beautiful country as we dive into thematic areas addressing the challenges facing music education, music as a career choice in uncertain times and how technology is shaping the future of music.

Delegates will have the opportunity to visit the Music Crossroads Zimbabwe Academy, delve into Zimbabwe's mbira heritage and discover connect with the local music sector.

JMI Global Speakers

Creativity. Expertise. Passion.

Get ready to meet these amazing music professionals and explore with them the ideas and themes that are shaping the world of music.

Meet the Musicians

Check out the amazing performers coming to the JMI Global 2023

The JMI Global is supported by
EN  Co-Funded by the EU_BLACK.png
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The JMI Global is brought to you by

Supported by

EN Co-Funded by the EU_WHITE.png

JM International

Square Eugène Plasky 92-94, Box 13

1030 Brussels, Belgium

+32 2 513 97 74 |

© JM International

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